SN for Picture Perfect This serial is one of the latest: RPQU991857714N1H-1199 RPP976700825N1-1034 RPQU988070576N1G-1197 RPPP940542127N1-1104 Version 4.2 is RPPP940542127N1-1104 Version 5.1 is RPQU988070576N1G-1197 Version 5.02 is RPQU991857714N1H-1199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who know how to use a Hex editor, serial RPQU991857714N1H-1199 works just fine for PicturePerfect v5.02 except it's black listed in the exetuable. So install PicturePerfect, copy the PicturePerfect.exe out and hex edit it, Find the serial number listed as Unicode string in the executable, either change it or null it out. Copy it back and run it, register w/ the serial number listed above works just fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have used that method on PicturePerfect v5.02s June 6 version and it worked flawlessly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------